Solved -how to write clean code in c# language and improve quality of code-C#

In Visual Studio, you can also include Track Active Item in Solution Explorer. That will automatically select the opened file inside the solution explorer. So you don’t have to search for it if the solution is big. Avoid having shorOften in the code, you see names that are, for lack of a better term, weird.

I was eight – I have never forgotten the lesson, all these years later. I don’t know exactly how many people are following coding standards. Even I was not perfectly following the coding standards. However, here are some of the coding guidelines that I used to follow. In this article, we will see how to write clean code in C# . Setting the values to the Student object may not be an issue for us developers.

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If you’re writing a piece of software, you should use a version control system. However, if you do follow the rule, you will notice the difference in the long term. You might get praises for your work from fellow developers.

how to write cleaner code in C#

We add a try catch block and just ignore the error handling, right? It’s a good practice to handle such errors and log it to a table or disk. And another random method that creates and returns a data filled student object.

In cases where it’s not, most of the time a higher-level object will suffice as an argument. They carry state around for the lifetime of the application. Another hit to testing since you can end up with a situation where tests need to be ordered which is a big no for unit tests.

Just create a common file to store all imports and the compiler will understand it. Do not throw exceptions in a finally block, as this can mask previous exceptions in the try-catch block. In cases where the code is self-explanatory, feel free to not leave comments.

Pattern-Oriented Memory Forensics and Malware Detection

This, apart from leaving the code cleaner, will allow you to reuse code and test it . At first, many programmers think that inheritance is better but, you always have to ask yourself if composition could somehow model the problem better. Also, when inheriting that class, by default, there is the possibility to override that functionality.

  • Generally, for that, we can create a static class as shown below.
  • You should know your language’s conventions in terms of spacing, comments, and naming things.
  • Download our e-book to learn how to create clean and scalable C# game code.
  • If you’re not using DependencyObject or INotifyPropertyChanged, then you are effectively subscribing to events.
  • It’s a very common pattern to make fields and methods public, even if they’re only used internally inside the same project.

In this case, it’s best to follow the existing style used by previous contributors. It requires both designing your code components effectively, and clearly identifying elements. In the next chapter, we will be looking at peer code reviews.

#5 Use the proper naming convention

For example, if you need ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), use Entity Framework Core or Dapper. ORM can be an excellent solution for some applications. They’re easy to use, save you time and provide you with a huge range of functionality. Entity Framework Core and Dapper are both open source and easy to use, so it’s probably a good idea to pick one of them up and get going. Writing a unit test is often an integral part of the development process.

how to write cleaner code in C#

For code to be easy to read by humans, we need proper indentation. If code lacks proper indentation it can be very hard to see which part of the code belongs to which block. This course is aimed at all the C# developers, from beginners to seniors.

#30 Get used to refactoring

The result is code that gets released with the problem fixed in some areas, but still existing in others. Have you ever programmed some code, gone away, and then looked at it more than a few days later and thought to yourself, I didn’t write this rubbish, did I? I know I’ve been guilty of it and so have some of my ex-colleagues. So if we find a bug in the SQL Server connection class, only SQL Server clients are affected. That means the clients with different databases will continue to work, and we only have to fix the code for SQL Server customers in the one class.

how to write cleaner code in C#

You’ll explore good programming practices for objects, data structures, exception handling, and other aspects of writing C# computer programs. Once you’ve studied API design and discovered tools for improving code quality, you’ll look at examples of bad code and understand which coding practices you should avoid. This can seem like an impossible task, as there are many factors to consider when writing C# code, including variables, methods, classes, and types, just to name a few.

If yes, the Iterator design pattern is the solution… When you have some experience developing C# code, you start to notice that you can do things in a better way. The problem is that it’s harder to change existing code than to write new code. The using statement is a language element used in C# programs to reduce the amount of code you write to work with disposable objects. Unit tests are written by developers as a form of automated verification and are often created as they write the code. Unit tests verify the code’s compliance with the user’s requirements and detect errors immediately upon introducing new code.

#14 Think about exception handling and edge cases

We’ll discuss how we can write few lines of code to do the same job instead of writing extra line of code. To develop reusable, reliable, readable, well-structured, and maintainable application, we must follow the coding standard. how to write cleaner code in C# There are several coding practices in the software industry. None of them are good or bad but the main thing is that whatever approach we follow, we should make sure that everyone should follow the same standard.

One thing to keep in mind is that the names of functions also provide value. If the name is correct and simply states what the function does. HasMoreItems is far easier to understand than to go through the whole if condition. If the function is not used more than once, then sure it can be removed, but I would keep the variable hasMoreItems. Helper functions – convenience functions that are used within the class and improve architecture and readability.

#25 Unit testing

You’re helping others understand the purpose of your code so that they can make changes to it eventually. Keep exception stack trace when rethrowing exceptionsC# allows the exception to be rethrown in a catch block using the throw keyword. It is a bad practice to throw a caught exception using throw e;. This will keep the stack trace and provide a deeper insight about the exception.

Tips for writing clean code in C#

You should never have to convince anyway why you wrote code; having to do so could indicate that your code is not optimal. The best coding environments will have features such as syntax highlighting, auto-complete, and code suggestions. All of these features help a coder better organize their code and make sure the syntax is neat and written properly. For C#, popular IDE’s and developer tools include Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, and several of the popular Jet Brains coding tools, such as Rider. In big projects, it will be very difficult to identify which referances are refered in the class. If by any chance you are using the long method, please use region to make it easy to understand.

Here is how you would write a Expression Bodied Method. This makes so much sense and improves the readability to a whole new level, right? Another simpler example of method chaining is as follows. A good name helps other developers to understand the context and usage of the variable/method. Here is how you would want to name your variables. This does not seem to be important, but once the project develops and becomes larger, the number of variables will be very large.

Clean Code Explained – A Practical Introduction to Clean Coding for Beginners

This bad practice consists of “contaminating” the globals. This is not a good thing because you could have problems and even crash with another library. Any user could run into this problem and would not realize it until the exception occurred. This bad practice reminds me of when we keep or collect “stuff” at home but never make use of it. This is the same, if you have code that is not used, delete it. There is no point in having it taking up space and bothering you.

The StyleCop setting defines the rules you need to implement on the projects. Anyhow, this offers a lot of code Refactoring techniques when you start working on it. To know more about using ReSharper, please check the followinglink. Besides these, it helps in showing architecture diagram of the whole project. To checck the architecture diagram, please do the following steps.

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